These day I have no school becouse we have to chance the build where we stay as hight school so the oldest students can help in the theatre.
My school does a show every year and its for soo time ago.
This year Jur, Sara, Irene and I (( all of we are of 1st of batxillerat)) went to help them and it was amazing, I am new in this school so I could meet a lot of nice people who I have really good experience, we put them the wig and help them with the clothes! Also we went out to dance the last song ((mama mia)) with them. But by the time I have no fotos of them.
The plot was so nice as well, its about a little girl who found her granparent's diary and she started to read so it's a resum of not only the life of her granfather so it's a resum of different important years. A lot of schools went to see them and everybody was happy about it but the only problem we had was someone stole some bags. But in conclusion I have a good time with new people and I think it's really important so now I want to see them again in the new school!
1 comentario:
Es el primer comentarI??
wow!!! jeje
quin honor!! XD
Weno wapa, cuida't
moltissim, i
ja parlarem!!
espero quedar algun dia
amb tu!! jeje
Petons wapa
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