domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

((.:Hugo Cabret's invention:.))

((The cover of the Spain edition book))
Last week I finished reading this book " The Hugo Cabret's invention" I think this book is really original not only the plot also the way of telling it!
Orphan, watchmaker and thief, Hugo lives between the walls of a harassed Parisian train station . If hewants to survive, nobody must know of his existence. Nevertheless, one day has a carelessness and is discovered by an eccentric girl, lover of the books, and by an old man who has a toyshop in his own.
A cryptic drawing, a valuable notebook of notes, a stolen key, an automaton ((something like a doll but it can write or make things like that)) and a secret message of the died father of Hugo are some of the keys of this mystery plot.
With 284 pages of original illustrations and combining elements of the illustrated , the graphical novels and the cinema, Brian Selznick expands the limits of the concept of novel, creating a new reading experience.

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