domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

.:Smoking ban:.

Last year smoking in some places in Spain was banned. In a lot of bars and restaurants you can’t smoke and the young people who are under 18 can’t get into these bars or restaurants where smoking is not banned. But more big restaurant have their local divided in two parts, one of them is for people who don’t smoke and everyone can go there but the second part is for people who smoke.
Moreover is banned smoking in public places like hospitals, places of work, shops and so on.
I think this law helps people who don’t smoke stay in a restaurant or bar and they do not have to worry for the smoke of the other people and it is healthier also for the young people or children.
Furthermore I think is good that big restaurants have to parts for everybody so you are free to choose in which part you want to stay.
I don’t know if this law can help people to stop smoking but in this way the rest people who don’t do it could go to several places and be calm about that.

((.:Hugo Cabret's invention:.))

((The cover of the Spain edition book))
Last week I finished reading this book " The Hugo Cabret's invention" I think this book is really original not only the plot also the way of telling it!
Orphan, watchmaker and thief, Hugo lives between the walls of a harassed Parisian train station . If hewants to survive, nobody must know of his existence. Nevertheless, one day has a carelessness and is discovered by an eccentric girl, lover of the books, and by an old man who has a toyshop in his own.
A cryptic drawing, a valuable notebook of notes, a stolen key, an automaton ((something like a doll but it can write or make things like that)) and a secret message of the died father of Hugo are some of the keys of this mystery plot.
With 284 pages of original illustrations and combining elements of the illustrated , the graphical novels and the cinema, Brian Selznick expands the limits of the concept of novel, creating a new reading experience.

martes, 25 de marzo de 2008

.:The Tokio Hotel's news:.

The concert in Madrid was canceled last week when Bill ((the singer)) was ill and could not finish their last concert, The concert of Lisboa was the same, 5 before the concert Tom, Gustav and Georg had to say about the troubles of Bill and his voice. More people in Madrid was really dessapointed and at the same time they know the new some of them (( the fathers)) denounced them, I can understan the situacion, the feelings of the girls becouse it happens to me no so time ago in Monpellier ((France)) but I cannot uncertand this denounced! They are persona as you an me and they can fell ill as well, Moreover they are working so hard and it's normal, they said about the universal doens't work well but they canceled the concert one they before also in Lisboa the people know it 5 minutes before it started! ... Furthermore people who has a ticket could use for next concert, the same ticket... Where is the problem then? The disappointment? They will return and in my opinnion the most important thing is the Bill's health!

The last news says about he will be operated on of the throat or will have irreversible problems in its! So I wish Bill get better and support all the band in this difficoult moment! We want to see you again with your strong, making us singing, making us dreaming!

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008

.:support of Barcelona:.

well some days ago I upload videos and information about the meeting in Barcelona so now the girls of the http://www.tokiohotelcat.com/ made a video of them and us. I think it's really nice so I show it you here:

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008

.:Vallvera's theatre:.

These day I have no school becouse we have to chance the build where we stay as hight school so the oldest students can help in the theatre.

My school does a show every year and its for soo time ago.

This year Jur, Sara, Irene and I (( all of we are of 1st of batxillerat)) went to help them and it was amazing, I am new in this school so I could meet a lot of nice people who I have really good experience, we put them the wig and help them with the clothes! Also we went out to dance the last song ((mama mia)) with them. But by the time I have no fotos of them.

The plot was so nice as well, its about a little girl who found her granparent's diary and she started to read so it's a resum of not only the life of her granfather so it's a resum of different important years. A lot of schools went to see them and everybody was happy about it but the only problem we had was someone stole some bags. But in conclusion I have a good time with new people and I think it's really important so now I want to see them again in the new school!

.:Billy Talent:.

Billy Talent is a Canadian rock band formed in 1993 in Mississauga, Ontario. The members of the band are: Benjamin Kowalewicz ((vocals)), Ian D'Sa ((guitar and vocals)), Jonathan Gallant ((Bass and vocals)) and Aaron Solowoniuk ((drums and percussion)).

Their genere is Alternative rock and also is post hardcore as well.

The band existed for almost a decade before hitting mainstream success. The members met and played in high school under the name Pezz and remained underground in Toronto's indie music scene until 2001. The band renamed itself Billy Talent after running into legal trouble with the old name. Since then, Billy Talent has made two multi-platinum records in Canada, and continues to expand their success overseas. As of September 11, 2007, the band has completed sixteen months of touring, and they have returned to Canada for a rest before beginning work on a new album. On My Chemical Romanc's official webpage, Billy Talent will be preforming with them during their US tour.

Here I show you some of their videos:

(( devil in a midnight mass))

((red flag))

((Fallen leaves))



(( a photo of all group))

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008

Wir wollen Tokio Hotel!

(( The girls of the meeting in "Correus"))

Last Saturday 1st of March more of 130 girls went to Barcelona screaming "Wir wollen Tokio Hotel" We want Tokio hotel.

We arrived there a few hours before the meeting ((My 2 friends and I)) we was hoping to apeared about 80 persons more or less but in the end we were 130 or more! At the beginnin we were in Plaça Catalunya and there other group of people appeared but thanks that cameras of TV were recorded us.

All of us were screaming, laughing, singing all the time walking across the streets where the people was screaming with us until "Correos" where we go up the stairsand ask for a concert of Tokio Hotel in Barcelona.

((All us in "Plaça Catalunya"))

It was crazy and funny as well. But we aren't crazy we dream and also live thanks to them, they are special for us but is really difficult go to Madrid and spend more of 300€ paying the travel, the hotel and so on only for 1 person.

Moreover the tickets for the concert were sold in few days! and was really difficoult to get one! The union made the strenght and weonly want to dream with their music, with the sounds and the words ist are fantastics! We only want to see Tokio Hotel in a concert but nowadays it's so difficult...

They made a flag of 8 metres of large with the slogan "Tokio Hotel in Barcelona" Furthermore the videos which we apaered singing songs of them we're going to send it to the Universal Musix.

All works and ideas can help us!

here you can show somevideos:

((singing Monsoon in "Correus" and in the end screaming Wir wollen Tokio Hotel in Barcelona"))

((fans in Plaça Catalunya))

(( the flag singed by all fans))

Stephanie Meyer

Usually people talk about books and films but rarelly they spend time talking about the writter or the person who makes up the plot.
Nowadays I have no preferyauthor but I have to talk about Stephanie Meyer.
She was born in Connecticut, Unated Estats. She is the writter of the Twilight and its sequels: New moon and Eclipse, this booksbecame really famous.
She will also write Breaking Down and Midnight sun, and her new book The host its has just sent to sold this past week.
The story of her books are really original and combines fantasy with real life pherhaps for this people is very enjoy to read them!
Her most importants books are Twilight and its sequel, which was in the 5th posicion of best seller in New York Times, and won numerous honors, including:
  • A New York Times Editor's choice
  • A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the year
  • An amonzon.com "Best Book of the decade... so far"
  • A teen people "Hot List" pik
  • An american library association "Top ten Best Book for young adult" and " Top ten Books for reluctant Reads"
  • And also this books are translated in 20 different lenguages.

As she said the plot of these books came to her in a dream so this show us sometimes we needn't think so hard for have some great idea so its came from ourselfs in the best moemnt as well.

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008


The Killerpilze ((English/German for "Killer Mushrooms"))
With their self-written punk-rock songs, the band secured a faithful fan base in their own country first. In the Spring of 2006, their debut single was "Richtig Scheiße" (("Really Shit")) and they became really famous there. From their first huge success in the national charts, Killerpilze are playing gigs in France, Poland, Czech Republic, as well as Austria and Germany.

Johannes "Jo" Halbig is the founder of Killerpilze. He plays rhythm guitar, piano and sings.Fabian "Fabi" Halbig. He is the drummerMaximilian "Mäx" Schlichter has played lead guitar and sung backing vocals since 2002.
Nowadays they've alredy made their last single "letzte minute" ((" last minut")) song included in the CD "Mit Pauken und Raketen" (("With drums and rockets")). This song combines their style of music with violins and one piano. I think this song is really nice and beattifoul and the cilp is really well-done. Here I show you the clip and the translate of the text in English so you can understand:

Today is the day
It is so dark, so black.
And everything that I have hoped for,
Destroy you one last time
Unfortunately, it is now so far,
We had a difficult time
And I know you do it really sorry,
But your last chance is over.
Please give me yet ...

A last minute
No bad or good
Why not the 'me no matter
Take my hand one last time
A last minute
No bad or good
Why not the 'me no matter
Only say with me one last time

Not even a last ray of sunshine,
The world with a total blow bare.
Only the memory is still there,
But not even now it makes me strong.
A blank space is vacant,
How important he was, I note now.
A hole in my world torn,
I can tell you I feel shitty.
Please give me only ...

A last minute
No bad or good
Why not the 'me no matter
Take my hand one last time
A last minute
No bad or good
Why not the 'me no matter
Only say with me one last time
A last minute
Last Minute ...