The music is a really important part of my life. Every morning I wake up with music, when I came back home I listen to music and obviouslly in my free time I look for good new music.
Perhaps you think it's stupid or maybe you think I'm crazy, by the time I think someone who says
"I don't like music" has a serious problem. Anyway. I'm not talking about popular music but my love goes to the classics music too, and I know "for likes, colours"
This hobby opens my mind becouse I want to know more music and in fact I know different contries, different kinds of people and the most important thing different ways to think.
It is reallycourious see how different is the poppular musicin Spain, France, Germany, Finland... so different, I think it isn't normal. For example:
In France the most important singers sing R&B as M. Pokora, Kenza Farah or Nadiya and so on. They have so many different rythms and their music becomes international, the clearest example is M. Pokora who has already recorded a song with the famous Timbaland ((one of the most important international productors)) Timbaland has recorded another songs with Nelly Furtado, Timberlake, One Republic... all of them are really important talking of international music and now they have one song with M.P. [!]
In Germany the cause is more clear as the first one,Germany is more interested in Rock and have a really good artists [!] nowadays Germany has a really good groups of music and it's really amazing for me, they could be really famous singing in their own lenguage its mains the music it's fantastic and you could heard them in Europawide, as Russia, Austria, Italy, France... and Spain? Groups as Panik, Killerpilze and also Lafee becames really famous in this countries but maybe Tokio Hotel is the clearest exemple [!] They are comapreted as The Beattles and These days they are playing concerts in America too, Moreover They are number one in Europe and in France they are something like Goods of music, I know a lot of people and Europe and in America who could go to their concerts and live their songs in direct but what's happent to Spain? I'm really sad about it becouse I want to say "yes! this goups are so amazing and they are from Spain ^^" but Nowadays I can't do it. The radios are repetitives and really dangerous for young minds, becouse the young people only know the music in the radios and don't want to know more, they don't want to know what's abroad and I think they are losing a lot of things, Could you say me a good Spanish group which could be famous out of Spain and sing in its own lenguage? No you can't. The music haven't borders and it's good you could herad everywhere [!] so... why isn't happening with Spanish music? its music is poor and all of them are really similar the singers are another theme but the melodies are really poor and it makes me feel sad and everytime I listen some saong I turn off the Radio.
Moreover some radios are hitting the health of music because they are putting aganist fans of one group and fans of the other. What are they doing? I could undertand it's music not a fitgh [!] and why countries like Italy which musical is like us have concerts of this groups and most of we are waitting for one concert almost 2 or 3 years [!] ((and then we couldn't go U.U but it's another theme))
What's happening with Spanish music? I don't know... I only know that untill there are no one good group here I still listening music from other countries.
2 comentarios:
Hi Nais!!!
I know you told me I needn't to coment but in the end you are who translate all of this XDDDD.
oh my god how was change this blog! I think the last time I came hier... ((I'm trying to remember xDD))
on 2007?? I think it's right
no more
trnaslate these words eh Nais xDDDD.
By: YaImI_YaI
pd: I agree with your writer the music in Spain is really poor and sometimes is really bad... U.U I want to say the same as you but obviouslly I can't do too, it makes me feel really sad, Spain is forgotten everytime semeone talks about music...but I don't think it's his/her fault becouse it's really bad
By: YaImI and Nais? XDDD
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