My name is Anna-Cris but my friend use to call me Nais, is a play with the sound of words, (Nice).
I'm 16 years old and I am taking the first course in IES Vallvera from Salt (Girona).
I’m not really tall, well better, I’m medium height… my hair is brawn and Wavy hair but if the sun shine me you could see some reflexes blonds, my eyes are like honey or brawn (depends of sun too).
Throughout my life I met more different kinds of people: gothic, punk, emo, trendy people… because I’m took the ESO in La Salle there are specially fashion and trendy people but there are people who aren’t like this too.
My style is not defined sometimes it looks like an emo but not always I like the Comfortable cloths.
I love all about Germany, specially their music I think is really good and for different styles. I like more kinds of music (metal, punk-rock, but I love groups like: Nevada tan, Linkin Park, Tokio hotel, Good Charlotte, Slipknot, him, and so on. Thanks at this I met people from other countries. I love music in general when I was child I studied in music academy and I played the flute (travessere) and I used to sing in the corals of the academy and the La Salle. When I was child used to draw specially Manga too, I and a few group of friends mad comics but now I have not enough time for do it.
I like read but at the moment I haven’t favorite book the last book that I read was The shadow of the wind written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón one month ago. Now I’m looking for the Crepúsculo written by Stephenie Meyer, my friends talk to me very well about it.
When I was child used to draw specially Manga too, I and a few group of friends mad comics but now I have not enough time for do it.
I love go out with my friends and meet new people, I’m very friendly but at first I very shy too also I’m talkactive and sometimes the people said me that I talk very fast, well I think so too. And finally I love travel.
Well this is how I am!
All the best of Anna – Cris [!]